
Jungle Safari

Choosing a jungle safari can be a safari in itself. Often it’s a furtive operation that involves extensive prep work, a great deal of roaming and there are some overwhelming sights indeed. If you are lucky you can find some wild animals like Bison, Black Panther, Elephant, spotted deer or some reptiles and birds. Dandeli’s jungle is the best place to see these magnificent creatures in the wild. Such experiences will leave you with goose bumps at the incredibility of what you just witnessed. A Jungle Safari is worth every penny spent

Bird Watching

Bird-watching, the observation of live birds in their natural habitat, a popular pastime and a scientific sport too. Since earliest times birds have been not only a material but also a cultural resource. In modern times the recreational pleasures of bird-watching have grown in tandem with the rise of environmentalism.

And there is no better way to enjoy the vibrant bird culture of India than by undertaking bird watching tours in India. Such tours will allow you to enjoy the magnificent natural landscapes where these birds make their dwelling as well as the sights and sounds of the birds themselves.

Though bird watching can often be a task requiring great patience and perseverance, the sight of a beautiful bird in its natural habitat is strangely exhilarating and makes all the effort absolutely worth the while. It is almost a meditative experience.

Nature Walks

A walk in nature brings us tranquillity by allowing our overstressed modern minds a chance to calm. Dandeli is a quiet, natural and excellent area to begin due to their prolific natural beauty. Taking nature walks is associated with a whole host of mental health benefits, including decreased depression, improved well-being and mental health, and lower perceived stress. Spending time in the natural world slows us down and makes us feel at peace. Walking is an inexpensive, low risk and accessible form of exercise and it turns out that combined with nature and group settings, it may be a very powerful, under-utilized stress buster.

Adventure Trekking

Trekking does not demand great strength or immense wealth but merely a desire and willingness to venture beyond the blue ranges on the horizon and to discover new valleys, forests, rivers and high mountains. Trekking is undoubtedly of value to physical fitness but its aim is not to produce athletes. It is an activity which should develop real love for the mountain regions and appreciation of their grandeur. Trekking leads to a closer interest in plants, trees, birds and animals, indeed in all form of nature study. Trekking inculcates qualities of self-reliance, keeping fit and willingness to help. A sense of adventure trekking adds excitement towards the fulfilment of the goal. This is the essence of enjoyment sought by the trekker and the climber.

River Crossing zipline

Rappelling is a means of using a rope to descend in a controlled manner. It is an exhilarating, rewarding, life changing experience and can be a very dangerous activity, and should not be attempted by inexperienced individuals without proper gear, guidance, and training from skilled climbers or climbing instructors. Come into the world of rappelling on the stark rocky cliffs of the Sahyadri mountain ranges here at Dandeli. Rappelling is a technique used by people who are rock climbing, ice climbing, kloofing, canyoneering, and mountaineering to get down steep cliffs. There are qualities to rappelling that bring inspiration and joy in a pursuit that is more than a pastime or a sport; it is a passion and sometimes a compulsion.

White Water Rafting

White Water rafting is undoubtedly one of the most enthralling and physically demanding adventure sports in the world. The excitement experienced while riding and tumbling down the white waters of fast flowing rivers is simply unmatched by any other sport. Dandeli, around 125 km from Goa, home to the majestic Kali River, is a popular rafting destination in Karnataka. The swift Kali River with rapids graded between 2 and 3, positioned on the margins of Goa and Maharashtra, serves as a splendid white water rafting site for beginners (9 km run) as well as experienced rafting enthusiasts (14 km run). Being positioned around 1,800 feet above sea level, bordered by lush tropical rain forests; the area receives rainfall almost throughout the year and thus has a superb climate all year round that attracts tourists in large numbers.


Zorbing is the recreation or sport of rolling downhill inside an orb, typically made of transparent plastic.



Kayaking is a watersport that involves paddling using a double-bladed oar and a small boat known as a kayak. It is a versatile sport that can be done in practically any body of water and is easily pared with other activities, like camping or fishing. It allows the boat driver to maneuver through waterways by sitting face-forward and propelling ahead with alternating side-to-side paddle strokes. The kayak has been around for centuries. It is a great activity for enthusiasts of all levels. It can be a wonderful way to quietly discover the shallow waters at the edge of a lake, or an exciting high-energy sport to race along rushing waters.

Kayaking activities are usually conducted in the Supa reservoir, which is a man-made reservoir that spreads over a huge area making it seem more like a sea. There are small islands in between where you can camp in absolute privacy since the entire area is un-inhabited.

Coracle Ride

Coracle ride is one of the most adventurous and thrilling activity one can experience. Coracle is a traditional round shaped boat designed to take ride on Indian Rivers. You can ride on a Coracle and slowly drift down the river while holding close to the shoreline. During this adventures journey, you will have an incredible experience of connecting with the river indirectly. With many slow drifts, you will come to know about many interesting facts about the river. Coracles have been existing since ages in India. Tourists interested in water adventures can always look forward to experience coracle rides